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- AF
Guiseppe Attardi and Tito Flagella.
A customisable memory management framework.
Technical report, University of Pisa.
- AGT89
Alfred V. Aho, Mahadevan Ganapathi, and Steven W. K. Tjiang.
Code generation using tree matching and dynamic programming.
ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems,
11(4):491-516, October 1989.
- Bar88
Joel F. Bartlett.
Compacting garbage collection with ambiguous roots.
Technical Report 88/2, DEC Western Research Laboratory, Palo Alto,
California, Febrarry 1988.
- Bar89
Joel F. Bartlett.
Mostly-copying collection picks up generations and C++.
Technical Report TN-12, DEC Western Research Laboratory, Palo Alto,
California, October 1989.
- Boe93
Hans-Juergen Boehm.
Space efficient conservative garbage collection.
ACM SIGPLAN PLDI, pages 197-206, 1993.
91 -
J. Cai, P. Facon, F. Henglein, R. Paige, and E. Schonberg.
Type transofrmation and data structure choice.
In B. Moeller, editor, Constructing Programs From
Specifications, pages 126-164, 1991.
- ED93
J.R. Ellis and D.L. Detlefs.
Safe, efficient garbage collection for C++.
Technical Report CSL-93-4, Xerox Parc, 1993.
- HMM86
Robert Harper, David MacQueen, and Robin Milner.
Standard ML.
Report ECS-LFCS-86-2, Laboratory for Foundations of Computer Science,
Computer Science Department, Edinburgh University, 1986.
- Les75
M. E. Lesk.
LEX: a lexical analyzer generator.
Technical Report 39, AT&T Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, N.J.,
- Pai89
R. Paige.
Real-time simulation of a set machine on a RAM.
In N. Janicki and W. Koczkodaj, editor, Computing and
Information, II:69-73, May 1989.
- Pax90
V. Paxson.
Using flex -- a fast lexical analyzer.
Technical report, The Regents of the University of California, May
- San94
Georg Sander.
Graph layout through the VCG tool.
Technical Report A03/94, Universität des Saarlandes, October
- San95
Georg Sander.
VCG: Visualization of Compiler Graphs (v.1.30), 1995.
- SDDS86
J. Schwartz, R. Dewar, D. Dubinsky, and E. Schonberg.
Programming with Sets: An Introduction to SETL.
Springer-Verlag, 1986.
- Str91
Bjarne Stroustrup.
The C++ Programming Language. Second Edition.
Addison-Welsey, 1991.
Allen Leung
Mon Apr 7 14:33:55 EDT 1997