Next: The Programmatic Interface
Up: Garbage Collection in the Prop Library
Previous: The Implementation
The architecture of the memory management system is partitioned into
a few classes, each responsible for providing distinct services:
- GCHeapManager -- The heap manager. The heap manager
manages the heap table, performs page level
allocation and deallocation, and provides miscellaneous services
like blacklisting. It also manages the object bitmaps.
- GC -- The base class for all garbage collectors.
This base class describes the protocol used by all the collector
- CGC -- The base class for conservative collectors.
This class is inherited from class GC and implements some
methods for locating the stack, heap, and static data areas.
- BGC -- Bartlett-style mostly copying collector.
This class is inherited from class CGC and implements
the Bartlett mostly copying algorithm.
- MarkSweepGC -- Mark/sweep style conservative collector.
This class is inherited from class CGC and implements
a mark/sweep collection algorithm.
- WeakPointerManager -- The weakpointer manager.
This class manages the weak pointer table and provides a few
weak pointer scavenging services for the collectors.
Allen Leung
Mon Apr 7 14:33:55 EDT 1997