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The available options to the translator are as follows:

-G -GNU 
Use GNU style error messages.
Use the search path path. Prop will search path to look for Prop files with the suffix .ph inside a #include directive. Multiple paths can be specified by using multiple -I options.
-l -no_line_directives 
By default, Prop will try to generate #line directives to correlate the source and the translated output. This option suppresses this feature.
-M -make_depends 
Similarly to the -M option in cc and cpp. This option generates a suitable dependency list for Makefiles.
Print memory use during translation.
-n -no_codegen 
Don't output any code; perform semantic checking only.
-N -non_linear 
Use non-linear patterns during pattern matching. A non-linear pattern is one in which a variable occurs more than once. By default, Prop consider this an error.
Send output to outfile instead of the default.
Generate (potentially) faster string matching code by expanding string literal tests into character tests. By default, Prop generates string tests using strcmp and binary search.
Use the adaptive pattern matching algorithm12.
Generate inline type casts instead of function calls that do the same. This may be faster for compilation.
Enable the rewriting optimizer. See also section 6.10 for details.
Use a tagged pointer representation instead of representing variant tags explicitly in a structure field. For example, if there are two variants called Foo and Bar in a datatype. Then a pointer to Foo can be tagged with a low order bit 0 while a pointer to Bar can be tagged with a low order bit 1. Accessing the tag thus becomes just a simple bit test. This should save space and may be faster13
-r -report 
Generate a report whenever necessary. Parser, string matching, and rewriting constructs produce reports.
-s -strict 
Use strict semantic checking mode. All warnings are considered to be errors.
-S -save_space 
  Use space saving mode. Try not to use inline functions if code space can be saved. Datatype constructors will not be inlined in this mode. Instead, datatype constructors will be generated at where the corresponding instantiate datatype  declaration occurs.
-t -stdout 
Send translated program to the standard output.
Use global memory pool for allocation.
Use verbose mode in report generation. This will provide more detailed information.

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Allen Leung
Mon Apr 7 14:33:55 EDT 1997