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Syntactic Conventions

The syntax of Prop is an extension of C++. Most new constructs of Prop starts with new keywords, listed below.

applicative arb as bagof begin bitfield card
category classof collectable constraint dataflow datatype declare
dequeof dom domain edges: elsif end equiv:
exists expect: feature finalizable forall fun function
functor graphrewrite graphtype implies: inference inherited inline
instantiate is law left: less lexeme listof
loop mapof match matchall matchscan module multimapof
mutable nodes: of persistent prec: printable priqueueof
procedure queueof ran refine relation rewrite right:
setof sharing signature space: syntax synthesized then
time: topdown traced treeparser tupleof unifiable unique
view where with xor: bottomup: topdown: before:
preorder: postorder: cutrewrite failrewrite index:

In addition, the following new multi-character symbols are added:

   <->  <=>  :=  :-  .(   .[
   #[   #(   #{  [|  |]   (|  |)  {|  |}

Allen Leung
Mon Apr 7 14:33:55 EDT 1997