We'll use the following example, extracted from a query optimizer for a subset of the relational calculus, to demonstrate the use of the rewriting modifiers.
The query optimizer transforms the following abstract syntax, defined as a set of Prop's datatypes.
datatype List<T> = #[] | #[ T ... List<T> ]; datatype Literal = INT int | STRING const char * | BOOL Bool and Exp = OP Id, Exps | APP Id, Exps | LIT Literal | ID Id | TUPLE Exps // [ E1, E2, ... En ] | FORALL Id, Exp, Exp // forall x in E1 . E2 | EXISTS Id, Exp, Exp // exists x in E1 . E2 | GUARD (Exp, Exp) // | GENERATOR (Ids, Exps, Exp) // [x_1,...,x_n] in X_1*...*X_n | LET (Id, Exp, Exp) law inline Int i = LIT(INT i) | inline Boolean b = LIT(BOOL b) | True = Boolean true | False = Boolean false | inline And a,b = OP("and",#[a,b]) | inline Or a,b = OP("or", #[a,b]) | inline Not a = OP("not",#[a]) | inline Eq a,b = OP("=", #[a,b]) | inline Ne a,b = OP("/=", #[a,b]) | inline Gt a,b = OP(">", #[a,b]) | inline Ge a,b = OP(">=", #[a,b]) | inline Lt a,b = OP("<", #[a,b]) | inline Le a,b = OP("<=", #[a,b]) | inline In a,b = OP("in", #[a,b]) | inline Union a,b = OP("union", #[a,b]) | inline Count a = OP("#", #[a]) where type Id = const char * and Ids = List<Id> and Exps = List<Exp> ;
Note that existential and
universal quantifiers are represented by the constructors FORALL
and EXISTS respectively. For example, $x Î A.p is
presented as the term EXISTS(x,A,p). Here x is a binding
occurrence for x; note that the variable x may occur within
the predicate p. In addition, a list comprehension
expression such as
rewrite RemoveDuplicateNames { // We use before and after rules to remove duplicates from variable names. // As each new binding occurrence is found, we enter a new binding // into the current environment. Identifiers found within // the binding occurrence are then renamed. preorder: // insert new bindings EXISTS(x,_,_): { new_binding(x); } | FORALL(x,_,_): { new_binding(x); } | GENERATOR(xs,_,_): { new_binding(xs); } | LET(x,_,_): { new_binding(x); } // rename variables | ID x: { rename(x); } postorder: // removes the binding | EXISTS(x,A,_): { old_binding(x); } | FORALL(x,A,_): { old_binding(x); } | GENERATOR(xs,As,_): { old_binding(xs); } | LET(x,_,_): { old_binding(x); } };
Note that we have accomplished a depth first traversal using rewriting without writing any traversal code! As a side benefit, since the traversal is automatically determined by the structure of the datatypes, we do not have to rewrite this renaming code even if the abstract syntax of the query language is extended, as long as no additional binding operators are added.