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Rewrite class


The syntax of a rewrite class declaration is as follows:

Rewrite_Class_Decl ::=rewrite class Id  ( TypeExp, ź , TypeExp )
    [ : Inherit_List ] [ :: Rewrite_Mode ź Rewrite_Mode ]
    { Class_Body } ;
Rewrite_Mode ::=treeparser
  |  applicative
  |  topdown

This is simply the usual C++ class declaration syntax extended to the following information:

a traversal list
enclosed in parenthesis. The traversal list of a rewrite class defines the set of types that rewriting should traverse. If a datatype object contains an argument of a type not listed in the traversal list, its value will not be altered.
rewrite mode
this defines the rewriting mode of the rewrite class.

Allen Leung
Mon Apr 7 14:33:55 EDT 1997