The syntax of the production rules is as follows:
Each rule specifies a set of productions of the form
Terminals can be specified in a few ways: (i) a character literal is a predefined terminal of the same name, (ii) a string literal is matched with a datatype or a lexeme class constructor of the same name, (iii) an identifier is a terminal if there is a datatype constructor of the same name. Any other identifiers are assumed to be non-terminals.
For example, the following are two sets of production rules used in the Prop translator itself:
ty Ty: simple_ty { $$ = $1; } | ty '=' exp { $$ = DEFVALty($1,$3); } | ty '*' { $$ = mkptrty($1); } | ty '&' { $$ = mkrefty($1); } | ty '[' ']' { $$ = mkptrty($1); } | ty '[' exp ']' { $$ = mkarrayty($1,$3); } ; exp Exp: app_exp { $$ = $1; } | exp '+' exp { $$ = BINOPexp("+",$1,$3); } | exp '-' exp { $$ = BINOPexp("-",$1,$3); } | exp '*' exp { $$ = BINOPexp("*",$1,$3); } | exp '/' exp { $$ = BINOPexp("/",$1,$3); } | exp '%' exp { $$ = BINOPexp("%",$1,$3); } | exp '^' exp { $$ = BINOPexp("^",$1,$3); } | exp "+=" exp { $$ = BINOPexp("+=",$1,$3); } | exp "-=" exp { $$ = BINOPexp("-=",$1,$3); } | exp "*=" exp { $$ = BINOPexp("*=",$1,$3); } | exp "/=" exp { $$ = BINOPexp("/=",$1,$3); } | exp "%=" exp { $$ = BINOPexp("%=",$1,$3); }etc
Here, ty is the non-terminal of this production. The type of
the synthesized attribute of this rule is Ty, and it is
written next to the non-terminal. Like yacc, the synthesized
attribute of a rule can be referenced using the $
variable $$ denote the synthesized attribute of the current rule,
while $n where n is 1, 2, 3, ...denote the synthesized
attribute of the nth rhs symbol of the current rule.