Lexemes are defined using the lexeme declaration in Prop. Its syntax is
Lexeme_Decl ::= lexeme Lexeme_Eq - ΕΊ - Lexeme_Eq ; Lexeme_Eq ::= Id = Regexp
For example, the following lexeme definition is used in the Prop translator to define the lexical structure of common lexical items.
lexeme digits = /[0-9]+/ | sign = /[\+\-]/ | integer = /{digits}/ | exponent = /[eE]{sign}?{digits}/ | mantissa = /({digits}\.{digits}?|\.{digits})/ | real = /{mantissa}{exponent}?/ | string = /"([^\\"\n]|\\.)*"/ | character = /'([^\\'\n]|\\.[0-9a-f]*)'/ | regexp = /\/([^\/\n*]|\\.)([^\/\n]|\\.)*\// ;
Note that regular expression literals are written between
slashes: /